Sunday, June 26, 2011

Eggplant Balado

You get bored with the food-that's all. Almost every day the menu with side dishes of chicken, tempe, fish or meat. What if you try to cook eggplant Balado. Surely you've never tried it. And did you know that the eggplant had a benefit that is very much one of them to prevent cancer. But keep in mind that too much to eat eggplant is also not good for health as most eating eggplants can turn off the cells to cause cancer. How do you still want to cook the eggplant is not it? Yes dong, let alone cook it with a different presentation. Let's find out the recipe ...

Eggplant Balado

500 g eggplant 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Balado Seasoning:
- 100 gr red chili, puree
- 7 pieces of red onion, sliced
- 1 tomato, thinly sliced
- 1/2 tsp shrimp paste
- 1/2 teaspoon salt

How to make:
- Cut the eggplant into 2-3 parts, and then split 2 or 4
- Heat the cooking oil 10 tablespoons enter the eggplant pieces in a frying pan, stir well and close the moment alternating pieces of eggplant until wilted and cooked
- Remove from the heat, order the dish
- Sauté until cooked with seasoning 5 tablespoons oil, lime juice give. pour over eggplant. serve.

Serving suggestions: for 4 people

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