Thursday, February 16, 2012

Shrimp Bakwan

The most comfortable if the rain eating fried foods. But if the rain, lazy it out house to buy fried. Why not create your own? I have a recipe for shrimp bakwan can be used as snacks and side dishes to eat.
- 3 eggs
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 250 gr flour
- 1/3 tsp baking powder
- 100 cc of warm water
- 100 cc coconut milk cooked
- ½ teaspoon pepper
- 3 cloves garlic (crushed)
- 3 leeks (finely sliced)
- 100 grams of bean sprouts
- 150 gr shrimp (peeled)
- Oil fried taste 

Bika Ambon, Traditional Cake Of Indonesia

Who would not know the delights of a traditional cake from Ambon, Indonesia? Yup, Bika Ambon the name. Cake that looks much fiber is indeed very popular and even the very famous. Well, for those who want to make your own tried Bika Ambon, I have the recipe.
a. 10 gr instant yeast
b. 15 grams sugar
c. 10 gr flour
d. 60 cc of water
e. 150 gr tapioca sago flour

Traditional cake Awuk Awuk

Awuk-awuk cake is one type of Indonesian traditional cake. Well, for those who want to try to make it yourself, here is the recipe ...
- 250 gr glutinous rice flour
- ½ a rather young coconut shredded
- Salt to taste
- 75 grams sugar (if less sweet be added to taste)
- 1 teaspoon water whiting
- 5 tablespoons red dye, banana leaf to the base pan

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Various Kinds Sweets For Iftar

Fasts Quote this most delicious fresh food and drink during the day-fresh because we hunger and thirst. Especially when we go to eat sweets. Uih, the fresh unimaginable. Eits, but remember fasts can not imagine eating sweets you know! It could void the fast ya. As women, especially mothers most like ya make-make food and drinks to break the fast. That's can make our husband happy and to prove that we as a wife is also an expert in cooking he .. he .. he ... Those who would like the person who tinkers in the kitchen ya, I have a recipe for candied-fruit preserves a variety of equally fresh with mixed ice.

1. Candied Acid Java
- 1 kg of tamarind is a large and long
- 100 g brown sugar
- Water just a little
- 200 gr sugar

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Eggplant Balado

You get bored with the food-that's all. Almost every day the menu with side dishes of chicken, tempe, fish or meat. What if you try to cook eggplant Balado. Surely you've never tried it. And did you know that the eggplant had a benefit that is very much one of them to prevent cancer. But keep in mind that too much to eat eggplant is also not good for health as most eating eggplants can turn off the cells to cause cancer. How do you still want to cook the eggplant is not it? Yes dong, let alone cook it with a different presentation. Let's find out the recipe ...

Eggplant Balado

500 g eggplant 1 tablespoon lemon juice
Balado Seasoning:
- 100 gr red chili, puree
- 7 pieces of red onion, sliced
- 1 tomato, thinly sliced
- 1/2 tsp shrimp paste
- 1/2 teaspoon salt

How to make:
- Cut the eggplant into 2-3 parts, and then split 2 or 4
- Heat the cooking oil 10 tablespoons enter the eggplant pieces in a frying pan, stir well and close the moment alternating pieces of eggplant until wilted and cooked
- Remove from the heat, order the dish
- Sauté until cooked with seasoning 5 tablespoons oil, lime juice give. pour over eggplant. serve.

Serving suggestions: for 4 people

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fried Chicken With Soy Sausce

Rather than stare perplexed what to do mending we cook... I have a new recipe name FRIED CHICKEN WITH SOY SAUCE. Maybe it is not alien ears but who knows which is more suitable dilidah. yuk, good luck ... good luck.


- 1 whole chicken, cut
- 16 sections Jenik a fruit juice / lemon
- 5 cloves garlic
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce english
- 1 green tomato fruit (though more fresh), red may also
- 1 bunch leaf lettuce
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce granulated sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt to taste pepper to taste

1. Chop the garlic
2. coat chicken with sweet soy sauce, lime juice, garlic, soy sauce english, salt and pepper, let stand 10 minutes
3. fry chicken until cooked, remove and drain
4. serve fried chicken with tomato and lettuce

Serving suggestions: for 16 people


Perhaps these names sound familiar to you. Karedok is the typical food of Indonesia. Karedok almost like a hodgepodge, but all raw vegetables and it is also different. Instead of wondering, this recipe is worth a try ..


• 100 grams of beans
• 200 g cucumber
• 100 grams of bean sprouts
• 100 g cauliflower
• 50 ounces eggplant salad (a small green eggplant)
• 5 stalks of basil, leaves take
• 2 pieces limes
• Boiled water to taste
• small shrimp crackers / chips are small

Spices that:
• 100 grams peanuts, fried, remove husk
• 5 pieces of red chili, fried
• 2 cloves garlic, fried soft-boiled
• 1 slice kencur, peeled
• Salt to taste
• ½ tsp shrimp paste
• 50 g sugar
• White sugar just a little for flavoring

How to make:
1. Chop the vegetables are washed, but sprouts
2. Mix the spices are blended with lime and boiled water, then mix with all the vegetables, stir well
3. Serve with crackers or chips that have been fried

Serving suggestions: for 4 people